Lume Electrical, Cambridge
Last year Lume Electrical switched from sub-contracting to growing their own customer base.
As a small to medium sized company, running the admin side of the business was a challenge, as all the key people were out on the job all day. Esabora has made how Lume Electrical quote, order & get paid much simpler & quicker, freeing up more time at evenings and weekends.
PP Electrical, Bury St Edmunds
PP Electrical were using different software packages to manage the process from producing quotations and materials lists, through to ordering and invoicing.
Esabora has helped to eliminate much of the duplicated data entry previously required. Also, as Esabora can link in with PP’s Sage accountancy software, data held in Word & Excel that once had to be manually re-keyed into Sage, can be imported very smoothly in future.